We’re bringing back Casefile Clues.

Twice-a-month publication—the 2nd and 4th week of the month. Issues will run from four to eight pages. There will be no advertisements and content will be delivered as a PDF file. The first issue will go out 12 July 2024.

Upcoming topics:

  • Mother’s Civil War pension application from Illinois
  • Affidavit from an early 18th century Virginia chancery court case
  • Testimony from a South Dakota probate case involving bigamy
  • A 18th century deed from Massachusetts
  • Problem-solving a parentage in early 19th century Kentucky
  • And more

Content will be practical, easy-to-read and follow, methodologically accurate, and down-to-earth. Our goals are to help you with your own research by providing content that models sound practice and writing without sounding pretentious or making untrue generalizations. We’ll cite our sources, but won’t overwhelm you with content that is more footnotes than article.

Content will cover a variety of United States locations running from the 17th through the 20th centuries. Articles will be written by Michael John Neill.

Subscriptions are $24.95 for a year of 24 issues. There is no recurring billing. Issues are sent to your email address.

Questions can be directed to me at mjnrootdig@gmail.com.


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